Montag, 30. Dezember 2013

Last Week before Christmas break

Dear all!

We hope you are all enjoying your 2weeks-relax-possibility and wish you a nice New Years Eve and how we would say in Swiss German: "En guete Rutsch". The last week before the Christmas break was kind of weird, because although there were not many days to wait until holidays, the Christmas feelings couldn't  really break through. We had some tests..and it was so, that till Friday evening after our last test in biology it was a bit difficult to believe, that time is running so fast and another year is almost passed.
By se Way: In English we discussed chapter 5 of Animal Farm in halfclass and in the whole class we played taboo and Miss Nyffenegger even brought us a yummie cake :D. It wasn't always easy to explain the expressions in English, and also this noisy thing which should mark when the time runs out, was not always used in the right second xD but we had a lot of fun.
On Wednesday evening was this traditional Christmas celebration and the theme of this Year was to make it British. The Monastery church gave these perfomances of the Orchestra, the Vocalensemble, the Sax-Quartett, the Smus-Choir, the first class Choir and the KantiChoir a wonderful sound and atmosphere. After that, we met us in room S402 to solve out everyone's Secret Santa. We ate those nice Sandwiches from the 'Catering of the Kanti- Gmbh' and sadly, relatively fast after our 'Christmas-Höck' we had to go home, (start for some to) study Economy, because of the test on thursday afternoon.
At last on Friday evening, the most of us went home, finally enjoying the break. And some went to the Volleynight, enjoying sport before the break.
All in all was it a very heavy week, and there would be more to tell about. But..let's enjoy the last days before the break of the break!

Great, Meryem and Timna

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